Darsh Shah

Electronics freak, hardware tinkerer, movie buff, android lover and blogger

About Me







OS: Windows XP and higher, Linux (Ubuntu). Learning Contiki OS

Programming Language : C, C++, Perl, Verilog, Embedded C for AVR, SQL, Assembly language for 6502, HTML/CSS and begineer level Javascript/Python, ActionScript 3.0, Android programming and NesC (Beginner).

Programming And Designing Tools : AVR Studio, WinAvr, Xilinx, Matlab, Logisim, Multisim, Labview, Oracle, SolidWorks, Eclipse, Pspice, Adobe Flash.

Other skills: Micro-controller programming, Fab Lab machines operation - Laser cutter, shopbot and lathe, soldering, circuit desiging (layout + schematic). I believe in rapid prototyping.

Micro-controllers used: AVR Atmega16/32, Arduino(Freeduino), Lego NXT Mindstrom, Basic Stamp 2.

I like to solve puzzles and I am good at analytical problem solving.

Few other things: